Coffee School

Code Editor

// Create the variables to track player movement var playerVel = 0; // Stores the player's velocity var g = 0.4; // The constant acceleration cause by "gravity" // Create our player's base entity Crafty.e("2D, DOM, Color") // Specifying the components to add .attr({x: 30, y: 30, w: 10, h: 10}) // Specifying the dimensions and the point to draw from .color("#ff0000"); // Specifying the colour of the rectangle


Console Log:

Goal: Updating the Player’s Position and Velocity During the Game Loop

As the game loop in Crafty is used through an event we must “bind” the event and a function to be paired with it to the target, the player entity. To do this we use Crafty’s .bind method. The .bind method takes two arguments in this case:

  • The event we are binding to.
  • The function to be executed when the event takes place.

To bind the function and event pair to the entity we add the following line of code to our player:

.bind("EnterFrame", function() {


Adding this line of code to our player should result in the code for our player looking like this:

Crafty.e("2D, DOM, Color")
    .attr({x: 30, y: 30, w: 10, h: 10})
    .bind("EnterFrame", function() {
        // Whenever the "EnterFrame" event (each game loop) occurs the code in this function will run

To update our player’s position in the game scene we need to make the function contain some game logic. First we want to add g to the value of the player’s speed so that they appear to accelerate due to gravity, to do this we just update the variable playerVel inside the function:

playerVel += g; // Adding the value of g to the player's velocity

Now that we have the player’s velocity being affected due to gravity we want to update the y position of our entity. Doing this just requires us to add the player’s velocity to the y property of the entity:

// As the function is inside the entity, we can access its properties and methods using the keyword "this"
this.y += playerVel;

With both of these statements within the “EnterFrame” events function, our player will now fall due to gravity like behaviour. Try running it. What happens to the player? Do they stop? Do they continue falling?